26 September 2008

Sideways Killmen's Dazzling Maneuver

St. Louis Math Rock pioneers, Dazzling Killmen, made this promotional video for "Medicine Me" back in those hazy Grunge days of 1993...

Math Rock...huh...

The alternative to Seattle, I suppose...Rising outta the midwest and surrounding areas...Chicago, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Louisville...Just as much flannel and hair, but 75% more drumming flair...Trickier rhythms, weirder chords...Less screaming and moaning, literally and figuratively, and not as many drugs getting in the way...

Basically, a bunch of white guys with the typical heavy rock gear, approximating Jazz for a select few aging and slightly delusional Indie Rock bon vivants and zine critics...

Guys like me who maybe got bored with their Jethro Tull records, and were bitter and spiteful towards nearly every last fucking band outta the Pacific Northwest circa 1993 because they were getting the shitty major label contracts that me and my friends had dreamed about since puberty...

Hotcha! Hank

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