Something 4 The Weekend # 10

Professor Murder is one of those hipster bands outta New York City that all the NYC hipster kids are blogging live at Knitting Factory gigs, and when they take subway home they rock Professor Murder Rides The Subway on their iPods with an irony that isn't. I've never been to New York, so I'm not sure how the kids swing out there, but I bet that just across the street and down the block from the Knitting Factory, there's one of those Last Night's Party parties happening, and let's not kid ourselves, those downtown NYC hipster chicks gone wild no different than a 2 am infomercial. I think I'm digressing.
Professor Murder is good party music cuz it gets the balls swinging and the tits bouncing and the guy who's working the lights is really fucking good, man. And that's what it's all about when the weekend rolls around.
Professor Murder: Free Stress Test: 128kbps mp3
Hotcha! Hank
Labels: album covers, mp3, music, Professor Murder, Something 4 The Weekend
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