Nick Cave is a pretty intense performer, and so it was a hoot seeing him on Letterman's show, fronting Grinderman, an overtly racous RAWK band, laden with noise, serious facial hair, and Cave himself, the prowling preacher grinding out a big organ sound with one hand, while summoning angels or demons with the other, his voice, as always, larger than life...
And in the bridges, there he was, bless his heart, buzzing into his microphone like a honeybee...
It was a hoot because I'm guessing that Letterman's audience skews pretty heavily towards the retired community and cornfed tourists who fear God in a slightly more innocent way than Nick Cave does, and I can only imagine the looks on their faces while Cave & Co. were laying it down...
A heavy gospel that night, yeah...
Hotcha! Hank
Labels: album covers, Grinderman, Letterman, mp3, music, Nick Cave, Something 4 The Weekend
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