Life moves quite fast on the internet. What's hip and cool and new on a Tuesday is liable to be played out and half-forgotten by the following weekend.
This week's featured artist on
S4TW is a band called
Vampire Weekend, and they've been generating buzz on the internet for several months now. With the U.S. release of their debut album a month or so ago, it would seem as if the band is already a bit passe, with many blogosphere hipsters already moving on to greener, fresher pastures. I fear at this late date of February 23rd, I may already be woefully behind the times.
Vampire Weekend have earned their buzzworthy praises, I won't argue with that, as they've made a very cohesive and consistent album that really doesn't have a weak or bad song in the bunch. I will say that there's nothing too new about their sound, which marries Afropop sensibilities with a distinctive New Wave flavor reminiscent of
Talking Heads or
The Feelies, which shouldn't be too surprising since the
Talking Heads had their own affinity for Afropop. In the case of this particular song, the Ska element is undeniable as well.
Ultimately, it's just a very fun, satisfying collection of songs that ought to play quite well at yr next house party, as long as there aren't too many dudes hanging around wanting to hear that new Widespread Panic album.
Hotcha! Hank
Labels: mp3, music, Something 4 The Weekend, Vampire Weekend
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