Well, obviously I haven't posted anything new in a week. From one Tuesday's Fortune to the next, it would appear...
Yes, I have been suffering another one of my blogistential crises, wherein I question the WHY of it all...Put most succinctly - Why bother?
Mostly, I've been feeling lately like my life is exceedingly boring, which it mostly is, but not completely...I mean, I've thought about blogging about my golf outing of last Thursday, which happened to be one of the rainiest, most tornado-laden days in recent Wisco history...But we were only able to get in 4 holes before the deluge started in earnest, and really, does anybody actually want to read my meaningless blather about fucking GOLF????
I also thought about writing about the new tenant in the other side of my duplex. This guy's been living there for a month, and it was apparent by the third day that he's the biggest fucking loser my landlord has ever rented to, and believe me, there's been nothing but a long line of fucktards in the other half of the duplex over the past decade...Long story short - it appears I've got another neighbor who has absolutely no qualms about stealing my electricity. The problem is - this guy owns guns and a pitbull named "Notorious", and doesn't seem in possession of any sort of moral fiber, let alone common decency, so trying to get him to stop might prove more difficult than the last guy who pilfered my utilities. Ahhh, my landlord - absolutely incapable of judging character it would seem. Every tenant is worse than the one before. I don't know what that says about me. All I know is that I pay my rent on time every month, and haven't trashed the place.
Did you know the last guy who lived on the other side didn't have a shower curtain, but liked to take showers? When he finally evicted him for not paying rent, my landlord had to completely replace the bathroom floor as well as most of the drywall.
Anyways...I just haven't been inspired lately to blather about songs or bands or all the movies I've been watching, or how the morons on Hell's Kitchen shouldn't even be working the deep fryers at Burger King, let alone vying for an executive chef position at one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants...And I also feel like simply posting cool pictures I run across on the internet is rather lame, so I guess all I can do, all any of us can do, is wait out this current crisis, and hope I find something worthwhile to share with you, my 5 regular readers. I'm hoping this particular post will be enough to shake me out of my funk, but who knows?
Hotcha! Hank
Labels: Blather, Hot Poop Filler
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