Something 4 The Weekend # 17

This week's SOMETHING 4 THE WEEKEND started innocently enough. I was simply going to stream a song by the 1970's Pop-Metal band, Starz, and tell you that they were one of my favorite bands when I was about 11/12 years old.
The issue then became, what song do I choose to share with you, dear reader? I won't bore you with the details of this dilemma, except to say that the song I chose, "So Young, So Bad" was only one of about eight candidates.
STARZ: "So Young, So Bad": 128k mp3
At this point I should mention that in 1977, at the age of eleven, KISS was still my favorite band, though just barely. Punk exploded that year, and Heavy Metal was about to rear its ugly head in earnest, to say nothing of Disco and New Wave.

Anyways, "So Young, So Bad" is a song about a 15 year old groupie, and it immediately brought to mind KISS' "Christine Sixteen", another song about another underaged girl, and of course, it seems natural to me that I offer you MP3s of both songs.
KISS: "Christine Sixteen": 128k mp3
I'm pretty certain that underaged groupies still exist today. I mean, as you read this I think it's safe to say that Pete Wentz is buggering a sophomore from Downers Grove High School. With vigor. But I also think it's safe to say that these days nobody is really writing paeons about buggering Downers Grove sophomores. Nowadays, it's all about emotions.
Yeah, it's times like these I actually believe Rock'n'Roll is dead.
Whatever. Nevermind.
Labels: album covers, Blather, KISS, mp3, music, Something 4 The Weekend, Starz
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