Do You Want Teen Pop, Or Do You Want The Truth?

Oh my!
One of my favorite performers in the whole world, and Kelly Clarkson, are working together, and here's the photographic proof.
Mike Watt, legendary bassist for Minutemen, firehose, and a billion other bands and projects, lent his thunderbroom prowess to a half dozen tracks slated for Kelly Clarkson's next album. On my short list of heroes, Mike Watt certainly makes the cut. Not only are the Minutemen arguably the finest rock band of all time, but over the years Watt has proven to be THE GLUE of the underground/indie rock scene in America. The Minutemen literally paved the way for every band that followed 'em, in terms of putting together a network of clubs, fans, and local bands which makes it possible for any indie band to mount a national tour. Plus, he's always honored the memory of d. Boon, my one true rock hero, with great humor, affection, and class.
Kelly Clarkson. You know why I love Kelly Clarkson? Because 99% of all celebrity bloggers call her a fat-ass, a fugly cow, or something else rather rude and undeserved. The truth is, she's alot like that chick yr gonna hook up with at yr dorm's Christmas party (don't deny it) right down to that punk rock chin zit, and you know what? She's gonna be all kinds of fun. All kinds. She ain't no skin and bones, babycakes, she's built for the high energy party lifestyle. Plus, Kelly Clarkson can sing like nobody's business, and that's actually kind of rare for the top of the Billboard charts, to say nothing of yr coed dorms, where auto-tuners are definitely the norm.
Anyways, I can't wait to hear this Watt-Clarkson thing. Unreal.
Thanks to Pitchforkmedia for the story and picture.
Labels: Blather, celebrities, images, Kelly Clarkson, Mike Watt, music
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