Man, that's some ugly cover art for this month's
EVERYTHINGATHON! Beneath and beyond, however, I'd like to believe we've achieved our typical Podcast Excellence, but I guess that's for each of you to decide...
This month's episode is all about my sexual encounters during my year in the freshman dorms at UW, and naturally, some of the bands/songs that go along with the girls/encounters...
Now, after seven years and 84 episodes, I do admit topics are sometimes difficult to latch onto, but originally this podcast was going to be about that particular year (84/85) in a more general sense - politics and culture and current events, kinda like the podcasts I did for 1966 and 1977...But technical problems and a lack of free time didn't allow for that kind of show...
Anyways, here we are...The Hurley Girls (And Other Delights), semi-fresh and sorta-clean all through the month of December...Enjoy!
Hotcha! Hank
Labels: Everythingathon, Madison, mp3, music, podcast
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