Scenes From A Mid-Life Crisis # 73

Now, what you need to know is that I did my fair share of professional cooking in my younger adult years, which is my way of saying, I'm a pretty damn good cook. In particular, I'm a damn fine soupmaker. Not a "Soup Nazi" though, because I believe that "soup is love" (not to be confused with Robyn Hitchcock's belief that "casserole is friendship")...
But I digress...
So, I made a crockpot full of chicken noodle soup tonight, and I just had the first bowl from the pot a few minutes ago...Sadly, I must report that this batch of soup has reaffirmed the fact that I still haven't mastered the use of celery salt.
I'm 40 years old, and have been cooking seriously for the better part of 20 years, and I have yet to master the the wily celery salt. Granted, it is one of the most difficult seasonings to master, but that is no excuse. After 20 years, I really should have a better handle of the stuff.
This is exactly the kind of thing that keeps me up at night.
That is all. (I bet you never expected to see a picture of celery salt on this blog)...
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