Alot of folks are mentioning karma in relation to OJ Simpson...
"Dude got away with murder, double murder," they say, "and this latest round of criminal activity just proves he's a bad, bad man, and when he eventually goes to jail for all this, he'll be where he belonged these past ten years."
Some have said...Or so I paraphrase...
You get my drift...Anyways...
I think OJ Simpson routinely travels with an armed entourage. If you were OJ Simpson, wouldn't you travel with at least a dude or two with a piece? I would. Even out on the golf courses of Florida I'd make sure my caddy was strapped. OJ is/was/is a free man, you know, and so he rolls through places like Vegas, which is still a pretty dangerous city, no matter what the Tourism Board might say...
So OJ and his associates go into a hotel room in Vegas, and at least one of those associates is strapped, and of course OJ knows his associate is strapped, so when OJ (allegedly) says, "Don't let nobody out of this room", you gotta believe there's the insinuation there, the implication, that a gun or two will keep anyone from leaving that room.
I say (parenthetically) "allegedly", but that's what OJ says on the tape obtained/provided by TMZ.com, and WTF is up with THAT? Who taped it? One of OJ's accusers? Is this whole thing a set-up? Tell OJ to meet 'em in the room to hand over the memorabilia in question, but when the Juice gets there, play it out (recorded to tape, natch) like a strong-armed robbery...
OJ goes down for multiple felonies and suddenly that memorabilia takes another spike in value...
Or something.
I don't know if it was pride or fiscal desperation that brought OJ to that hotel room the other day, but it wasn't karma, I don't think.
Maybe it's just stupidity.
Labels: Hot Poop Filler, MUCKO, OJ Simpson
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