Winter Is Already Hard...

I spent half the day watching old episodes of Saturday Night Live on VHS tapes, spent another healthy portion of the day napping on the couch with the Isaac and Eno nestled somewhere in there...Later on I ate two large bowls of homemade Cheddar-Broccoli soup, and read the first few chapters of Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge while Brian Eno music streamed softly in the background...
Then I hung around YouTube...Until this...

First, all the power went out...But before I could stumble around by the light of my Djeep disposable lighter, and go downstairs to hit the circuit breakers, all the power came back on, and when I say ALL the power, I mean every last thing in the house that was powered by electricity suddenly came ON, including all those lights and appliances and musical gear and whatnot that wasn't on before the power went out...This didn't quite startle the cats, but it certainly freaked me out...
And then the two televisions, two boomboxes, the clockradio and my guitar amp all were suddenly interrupted by what I can only describe as harmonious, melodic static...Like a choir of digital angels from some other dimension...Both cats sat by the front door and kinda chittered the way they do when they're watching birds and squirrels from the windows, and this absolutely freaked me out, so I turned everything off, ate a chocolate chip muffin which I washed down with an extra-large, extra-strong Brandy Alexander, and layed in bed for the next hour or two, wondering what the world was coming to, or if I had merely lost my mind...
When I finally slept, I dreamt of that time I went raccoon hunting with my cousin Chico and that enormous barn owl swooped down out of the darkness and attacked Grinch, the young mutt on his first hunt that night...Actually tried carrying Grinch away, but the poor dog was just a little too heavy, and the owl couldn't lift him more than a couple feet off the ground before he had to drop him...
The dream ended on the beach, like so many of my dreams do...Or maybe it was a dream within a dream...Or maybe it was the soup.
Hotcha! Hank
Labels: Actually Part Of This May Have Been A Dream, aliens, Blather, books, booze, Brian Eno, Food, Furry Animals, geekery, Madison, my cousin Chico, SNL, TV, Vernor Vinge, Wisconsin
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