Casting Stones

I figured I ought to post this MUCKO! before this entire Ted Haggard noodle chewing story is gone and forgotten.
It's not that I have a problem with snorting meth and engaging in cranky man-on-man action, but I do have a problem with hypocrites, especially people who claim some sort of moral authority, damn homosexuals to eternal hellfire, convince thousands and millions of others that cranky man-on-man action is a deadly sin, and then commit this so-called "sin" in some two-bit Colorado Springs motel while his pious wife and kids think he's working late at the Church, trying to keep the world, and especially the children, free and safe from meth-sweaty bear action.
If there is a heaven above, I believe Ted Haggard's day of reckoning is gonna be an eye-opener.
Good luck, dude!
Labels: beefcake, Blather, celebrities, images, MUCKO, religion
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