Happy Birthday, Weinermobile!

I don't know 'bout things where you live, but here in Madison seeing the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile rollin' 'round town is a daily happenin'...Hell, Weinermobile convoys ain't outta the norm, babycakes. Ya see, Oscar Mayer's world headquarters are here in Madtown...In fact, it's only about 2 miles from my house, and yeah, there are days the entire Northeast part of the city smells faintly of bacon. Add to that the fact that there's a Gardner's Bread factory just two blocks away, making my neighborhood smell like toast, and well, I always eat a heavy breakfast.
Anyways, the Weinermobile turned 70 years old this week, and due to Oscar Mayer's lame insurance plan, retirement is nowhere in sight.
Happy Birthday, Weinermobile!
Labels: Food, Hot Poop Filler, images, MUCKO, Wisconsin
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