Meanwhile In Innsbruck...

But first - I actually got out my stainless steel yardstick and measured the snow, which was 12-15 inches deep in most places, depending on the drifting...The snowbank that the plows had left across the end of the driveway was 27 inches deep. I always leave that shit for last...
And so I shoveled.
*bend and push and lift and throw*
*bend and push and lift and throw*
*bend and push and lift and throw*
Did that for about an hour or so, stopping every ten minutes to catch my breath and wipe the half-frozen snot from my moustache and beard, adjust the thermal longjohns getting scrunched up under my oldest, rattiest pair of jeans...
And the whole time I daydreamed about Innsbruck...I thought about the Alps, and how they must look through the expansive windows of a warm and rustic ski lodge...I imagined Winona Ryder snuggled up next to me, under a blanket in front of a fire...We examined a map of the ski runs around Innsbruck, and talked about which one we would attempt next...All eyes were on Hoadhaus, and then I had shoveled my way to the daunting 27 inches of the snowbank at the end of the driveway...Innsbruck and Winona would have to wait, there was serious work to do...
(I'll shovel out the mailbox tomorrow...)
Hotcha! Hank
Labels: Click To Enlarge, Hot Poop Filler, images, Innsbruck, Jock Lumpen, Maps, Winona Ryder
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