Back in the days (2001-2006) when Tim Russert was still alive, and I was uploading a couple thousand MUCKO! to The ButterScotch Threshold, there was the running "gag" of Russert MUCKO! in which he always and only said "My head is full of starchy, potato goodness." It was a juvenile riff on the Irish and their massive, lumpy heads and their love and reliance on potatoes.
(I never claimed to be very funny or clever.)
I genuinely liked Tim Russert, and on those Sundays when I am up at 9 am, I always watch Meet The Press...I liked his questioning style, which was entertaining, even if he never actually went in for the kill, you know? I think if he wanted to, he could have nailed plenty of Washington's most powerful, but I suppose that's simply not the way it works on television...Those kinds of questions and answers and accusations and convictions are best left to high-minded books by Beltway insiders that nobody actually reads...
And even though I'm elitist enough to admit I watch Meet The Press, I'm not quite sophisticated enough to avoid the potato head jokes. The utterly juvenile mind that actually thinks the Russert=Russet thing is actually funny...The guy was Irish-American, after all, and I have no shame, apparently...
Anyways, Tim Russert passed away six months ago, and the formula Tragedy + Time = Comedy is really nothing but variables, so I'm not sure if this stupid MUCKO! is too soon, or not. I leave that to you to decide.
So, for the record, and in the interest of fairness:
I smell like Gouda cheese... You're reading Hot Poop!
Hotcha! Hank
Labels: Butterscotch Threshold, Food, MUCKO, RIP, Tim Russert, TV
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